Mono White Aggro and You!
The Journey Begins
I purchased this deck for FNM events and have been playing it on Magic: The Gathering Arena since February. Due to work/life balance I will not be playing this at any high level events like MagicFest or MCQ and will focus more on FNM type and Arena events.
Reasons to Play this deck!
Caption (The Best Turn Three you will have in Standard)
Here is the decklist I am currently running and used to win this past weekends Standard Showdown at Affinity Games.
4 Dauntless Bodyguard
4 Law-Rune Enforcer
4 Legion's Landing
4 Skymarcher Aspirant
4 Snubhorn Sentry
4 Adanto Vanguard
4 Benalish Marshal
4 History of Benalia
4 Conclave Tribunal
4 Venerated Loxodon
20 Plains
4 Baffling End
4 Tocatli Honor Guard
3 Gideon Blackblade
2 Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants
1 Dawn of Hope
1 Unbreakable Formation
Pretty easy deck to make when all of your cards are 4 copies in the maindeck.
One of the easiest way to make this deck is to buy 2x United Assualt Challenger Decks
then just buy the additional pieces from your LGS.
Main goal is to always be the aggro deck. Starting with 21 one-drops that makes this approach easier and streamlines the deck. I always want to be the one asking the opponent do they have an answer. After game one, I want to move into a grindy sideboard plan for games two and three.
The sideboard is to bring in planeswalkers to gain value when your creatures get destroyed by removal.
I chose to cut the blue and red splashes from the deck to avoid mana issues from the board, but Experimental Frenzy and Dovin's Veto are truly good from the sideboard and adding a color might be the right choice if the metagame shifts again.
Do not be fooled by the simple design, this deck took down an MCQ a few weeks back and is well positioned in the metagame.
Sideboard Guide
Mono Red
Remove x/1's from the main deck to make your creatures less vulnerable from Goblin Chainwhirler. I sometimes find Unbreakable Formation to be too slow and bring in another Baffling End. Landing a Venerated Loxodon is key to this match up.
-4 Adanto Vanguard
-4 Skymarcher Aspirant
-2 Benalish Marshal
+3 Gideon Blackblade
+4 Tocatli Honor Guard
+1 Unbreakable Formation
+2 Baffling End
Esper/Grixis Control
Remove slower creatures that die to spot removal add in planewalkers white's version of Experimental Frenzy (Dawn of Hope).
-2 Benalish Marshal
-1 Law-Rune Enforcer
-2 Venerated Loxodon
-1 Plains
+1 Dawn of Hope
+3 Gideon Blackblade
+2 Ajani, Adversary of tyrants
Izzet Phoenix
Depending on their build (Most recent decks do not run Goblin Electromancer) I could see keeping Conclave Tribunal in over Baffling End.
-2 Benalish Marshal
-2 Venerated Loxodon
-1 Conclave Tribunal
+4 Baffling End
+1 Unbreakable Formation
Green Based Dreadhorde Decks
Put press on them early since they are only running Massacre Girl and removed Find // Finality. Very good match up if you stay wide and go around their slower 4 Color manabase.
-4 Benalish Marshal
-2 Conclave Tribunal
-2 Snubhorn Sentry
-1 Venerated Loxodon
+4 Tocatli Honor Guard
+4 Baffling End
+1 Unbreakable Formation
Esper Midrange (Hero)
This matchup depends on what CiP (Come into Play) creatures they are running. Normally beating a Hostage Taker is very annoying. Rune-Law Enforcer is really good stopping most of their creatures.
-3 Benalish Marshal
-2 Snubhorn Sentry
-2 Venerated Loxodon
-2 Conclave Tribunal
-1 Plains
+4 Baffling End
+3 Gideon Blackblade
+2 Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants
+1 Dawn of Hope
This is just a guide to the most popular decks out there. Understanding each match up will help you understand what cards can be cut and ones that have the most value.
Hope you enjoyed the overview this week. I will update my progress as the season shifts to Core 2020 updates.